Work at SFAI

We are seeking talented professionals to join our team and advance our mission.

San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI), founded in 1871, is one of the country's oldest and most prestigious institutions in the practice and study of contemporary art. 

SFAI is dedicated to the intrinsic value of art and its vital role in shaping and enriching society and the individual. As a diverse community of working artists and scholars, SFAI provides students with a rigorous education in the arts and preparation for a life in the arts through an immersive studio environment, an integrated liberal arts and art history curriculum, and critical engagement with the world. Committed to educating artists who will shape the future of art, culture, and society, SFAI fosters creativity and original thinking in an open, experimental, and interdisciplinary context. SFAI is a challenging artistic and intellectual community that frequently proves transformative for its students.

SFAI employees (many of whom are artists themselves) contribute greatly to this dynamic environment, with each person playing a meaningful role in the success of the organization. Please see below for a list of current openings throughout the Institution.

Work Opportunities

Administration and Staff Openings

(No openings at this time. Please check back later.)


Consultant/Contractor Opportunities

(No openings at this time. Please check back later.)


Full-time Faculty Openings

(We are fully staffed for this academic year. Thank you for your interest).


Visiting Faculty Openings

(No openings at this time. Please check back later.)

Commitment to Equal Opportunity + Diversity

SFAI is an equal opportunity employer, and is committed to achieving greater diversity among the faculty, staff, student body, and leadership. Individuals who identify as people of color, mixed-race, women, genderqueer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and disabled or differently-abled are strongly encouraged to apply for open staff and faculty positions.

SFAI believes that a rigorous artistic and intellectual community is enriched by diversity and inclusion. We promote artistic and intellectual freedom by fostering environments that value our diverse students, faculty, and staff and provide all community members with a respectful and challenging space in which to address divergent opinions and ideas.

Read our Diversity Statement.