New Genres

New Genres is a philosophical, interdisciplinary approach in which the artist’s concept and intentions determine the best means for actuating each individual work.

Drawing on its legacy as the country’s first Performance/Video Department, its application of rigorous dialogue and questioning parameters of art forms to time-based work, quickly expanded to include installation, social practice, site specific work, and other trans-disciplinary media and approaches. No longer a medium specific department, the New Genres Department was born.

New Genres courses are cross-disciplinary laboratories for experimentation, discovery, and radical boundary-pushing. Through dialogue, critique, and practice, students learn to hone and better articulate their own visual language.


Explore Marcela Pardo Ariza’s (MFA 2016) hybridized studio practice, and hear how SFAI’s program makes her excited to continue creating in San Francisco.


Sharon Grace
Professor Emerita
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Photo of Sharon Grace
Doug Hall
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Photo of Doug Hall
Paul Kos
Professor Emeritus
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Photo of Paul Kos
Tony Labat
Professor; MFA Director
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Photo of Tony Labat
Mads Lynnerup
Assistant Professor; New Genres Department Chair
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Photo of Mads Lynnerup