
Printmaking merges some of the oldest artistic processes of replication with the newest.

SFAI’s Printmaking programs provide students the opportunity to work with lithography, intaglio, screenprinting, letterpress, artists’ books, and relief. Digital methods for the production of two- and three-dimensional works are integrated throughout.

Artists who use printmaking at SFAI critically examine such concepts as multiplicity, reproducibility, and the “matrix” of the print in relation to contemporary art practice, ranging from popular to “high art” forms. Students also expand ideas of display, exploring the full range of exhibition possibilities from traditional print editions to sculptural, installation-based, and interactive approaches.


Most famous for his clothing and accessory brand, Ed Hardy, Don Ed Hardy (BFA Printmaking, 1967) is also well known for his beautiful, Japanese-influenced tattoo art. Early in his career, Hardy earned his BFA in Printmaking at San Francisco Art Institute alongside artist Bryce Wong. He has published numerous books on tattoo aesthetics but has since retired from tattooing to focus on other art forms and on mentoring developing artists at his San Francisco tattoo studio, Tattoo City.

Watch The Godfather of Modern Tattooing: Ed Hardy via Viceland »


Timothy Berry
Associate Professor; Printmaking Department Chair
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Photo of Timothy Berry